Vego Music's - ID (Preview)
Highest rank 426

This is the preview of my new Song. In a week I'll upload the finished Song with vocals by Chris Tie.

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Peter Pinehiller
8 years ago
vvvoted!thank you! vote my PLEASURE! Follow SPOTIFY PETER PINEHILLER PLEASURE!(now over 78800 streams) my new PLEASURE!also iTunes,deezer,beatport,amazonmusic etc etc etc new GIVE ME MORE
8 years ago
So incredible song. I really like this one. It's so powerful song. You have my vote and support for sure. Can you please take a few minutes and check out my new remix 'End With You' and vote back if you like it. Thank you so much. Your vote means the world to me. Have a good and successful day. I wish you all the best. :)
Ahad Khan
8 years ago
Awesome track Voted! Please vote back my track "Mindless"
Séthi 1er
8 years ago
hello vego...nice intro & good work here ! lovely track... Absoluty VOTED & FOLLOWED !! ! Please check our new remix contest ( End with you )thks a lot :)
Edward W11
8 years ago
Good Work! Very Nice melody! Voted and Supported! Plz if u have time check my track "JUST HAPPY DAY" and maybe vote if u want;) Your vote would means a lot! TY
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