MAIN SOUNDCLOUD ACCOUNT:; Instagram: minerromusic This is just a test soundcloud account in order to keep the track secret for my followers ;)
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Peter Pinehiller
6 years ago
Voted!vote back my FIREFLIES!thanks!
6 years ago
Keep makin more , i guess that you worked a lot on it and i hope you will continue ,
may you reach the top , if you have some time check my stuff , anyway keep workin hard you can go really far , followed you and liked , hope it helps you at least a bit!
6 years ago
Cool mate!!VOTED!!!
Vote for my track HOUSE DOWN!!!
Good luck ! :):):)
6 years ago
yooo its dope! i voted
6 years ago
Ey Fellow, your song is Stunnin'!! Listening the drop with the Lead and the Bass... well the sound is perfect, I suppose that you know the standard set for the the kick: 5 or 6 dB, ratio 4:1, release in 200ms and attack in 0.1ms, and to the bass the ratio 3:1, attack between 2 and 10ms and 100ms of release, obviously taking this just like a reference and maybe like a advise, try to Google it. I believe that give a emotional and thrilling sensation on whole song. You have my vote definitely! I would like that you take a couple of minutes and check my latest song "Pushing On" a original song made for me and give a vote. (Maybe in the future can play this song in my club, of course with your authorization) I would be grateful with you, if you desire you can subscribe to my Youtube Channel too! Keep making this kind of songs brother! The Spinnin Records TOP is waiting for you!!!