Faded(MDIVN Remix)
Tuấn Minh Hồ, remix by: Minh.
I'm So exciting about the bass i made by my self
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9 years ago
Cool TRACK man!!! Really nice job congrats :D Just VOTED for you! (u can verify) Maybe could you VOTE BACK and help me too??plz. ")
9 years ago
Nice remix, i like your bass effect and wobble! you've got my vote!! I hope you will support me back and vote my remix of "TOUCH"!! Big thanks for your back!!
Jay Mark
9 years ago
Voted! Awesome job! If you or anyone has a minute please check out my brand new track called It's Time. Vote, and drop a comment saying you did, and I will support your track as well! Thanks
Andy Warchild
9 years ago
Nice Track Bro. Love and Vote it.
Please Vote my Remix on Contests>"KSHMR & Felix Snow ft. Madi - Touch"
thank you so much :)
Broken Mirror
9 years ago
Dj/Producers after our sucess of the first radioshow called *Talent Pool Session 001* we want to procced with the 002 want YOUR TRACK promoted to our Radioshow 002?? We promote talented artists and don't charge any $$$! All you have to do to submit your track is 1. Follow me on Soundcloud and 2. Send me a message on our Soundcloud with your track link and you will be entered in the Radioshow contest! We pick a Best tracks , to promote/featured on our Soundcloud , Instagram , Facebook and Youtube ! I look forward to hearing your tracks and being your friends!!