I Wanna Know
mrshl hnsda, remix by: mrshl hnsda
its my remix want your point of view. struggling from depression sorry for the song Quality
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7 years ago
Hi Bro
I listen your track, it's a good work.
I voted for you and your have my support for the future.
I'm waiting for your new track
Listen my track " Berlingot " and voted, folow me if you liked.
Best regards
7 years ago
Voted!! Vote back my Beach Thanks
7 years ago
you have my Vote :) Nice track and good work. Hope you will get what you earn for your work. It would be great if you vote back for my Remix of " Love Myself ". Thank you
7 years ago
Hey man, loved your track as it was unique and sounded extremely professsional. I will definitely be voting for this!
The only thing i can say to improve on is to try and make your kick stand out more in the mix as its a little bit to quiet but other than that, great track!
I was also wondering if you could check out my new track called Waves and maybe vote for it as it would be a huge help, T hanks!
7 years ago
Hey cool track bro loved it vote!, you can vote me, if you like it. Thank you bro! and please follow me on soundcloud