Hello Everyone, Thanks for listening to the second episode of mutual sessions. In this set please expect a lot of energy & warm vibes as I'm over this cold weather :) Thanks for listening
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5 years ago
5 years ago
nice sound at 6:50, cool stuff, voted
5 years ago
Good work 💪
Mate i gave you my vote
Good luck in your ranking 👍
If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track
Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote
👀 See you on Soundcloud or IG susomix_techno
5 years ago
yo mútala friend, really feeling this groove, catchy with great flow and enough going on to keep my entertained for the whole song, if you keep going like this you’ll definitely be on spinning’s releases soon my dude!! keep up the good work, hope to hear more from you, leaving a vote !! Hit me up on SC/IG if you ever wanna chat or something or trade feedback ! If you got a sec, could you check out my last song, “astrobits” its an 8bit/prog house mix could use some feedback from someone like you, and vote if you like :) ? Appreciate you!
5 years ago
Nice track