Clashing of two genres ELECTRO MUSIC + TRADITIONAL MUSIC Espically highlighted 2 instruments Hakgediya and Gatabera
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Chris Peshan
5 years ago
Really nice track! Good work here - voted :)
Pls check out my new remix for Nitti Gritti and leave a vote - would be awesome!
All the best - Chris
5 years ago
Neulows this is amazing! amazing melodies and chords.
I liked the mix, it's sounds very clean and also great sound design bro, keep great work! Also, could you give some support to my latest track Fly Away, thanks!
Ite Sma
5 years ago
Hey, nice track, I voted for you!!
I'm not gonna lie I'm here to promote a bit of my stuff too, could you vote fojr my new track “Just Like That” plz? I wouldn't put this message if I didn't like your track in the first place so keep up the good work!! =)
We can support each other, follow me on soundcloud and I'll follow you back!
5 years ago
voted !!! Please check out my new remix for the nitti gritti contest.....Thank you.
5 years ago
voted back:) The Drop is cool and Special I like it:)