Highest rank 298


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8 years ago
nice vocals, like it, voted, please check out my track alone and if you like it voted back. Godd luck dude!
Peter Pinehiller
8 years ago
voted! vote back my TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! thanks! follow my spotify! ok?voted! vote back my TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! thanks! follow my spotify! ok?
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
Hello!!! ;) :) Nice track !!! GOOD JOB!!!!!! THUMB UP!!! Voted and supported !!! Please vote my track earthquake !! Thanks and good luck !!
8 years ago
Hey Bro! Good to see you making new music! It's sounds awesome so far, and I voted for you! I wish u all the luck to get ranked up in the charts!
Newen X
8 years ago
Hello! I hope you are doing great, you have my vote on this one! Please vote back my last track "Drowned", thanks and best of luck! Btw, if you want free reposts and shares on twitter send me your tracks at /freerepostsfpfp (on soundcloud of course). Bye!! :D
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