You & I

Mike Williams x Dastic, remix by: Nickay


Hey peeps, first of all, I want to apologize for not uploading music the last 4 months! More music is coming, originals, collabs, and of course remixes. I hope you enjoyed listening to this remix as much as I liked making it! ?? If you want to help me out by voting you can do that here:

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7 years ago
dope mate, i like the vocal chop part, it sounds really cool
7 years ago
This one is really cool! I gave it a VOTE If you have time, please listen to my track. Give it a vote if you like it! Thanks for your time!!!
Bryce T
7 years ago
Awesome track! You have my vote❤, and will probably get many more for your efforts. Could you please spare a second of your time and vote for my new You & I remix. Much appreciated and good luck!!! Also you can follow me on soundcloud & spotify for a free follow back! BRYT3R - Soundcloud
Fallen Moon
7 years ago
A lot of potential😏
7 years ago
Yoo Man nice track. Please show your love and vote for my brand new track called "All The Way". Thank you and good luck man!
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