hope yall enjoy this one.

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5 years ago
Great track man!!!!! voted definetly The drops is really good, i love the melodies!!!!!! Can you check out my new track Change the way you kiss me remix.... I really need some feedback and advice!!!!! It would be really helpful for me!!!!!!
5 years ago
Awesome track, definitely voted! I love the arpeggios and other supporting parts you've added in throughout the song! Your drop is so fitting with the song as well. Voted! :D Would you mind checking out my latest track, Losing myself tonight? Again, great job!
5 years ago
Nice work bro! Have my vote! Can you check out my version and help with a like :D
5 years ago
Nice track! Gave you my vote 😊 Think you could give mine a look? Check out ’Waiting For Love’ in my tracks tab. Thanks 🙏🙏.
5 years ago
Awsome remix! You have my vote! Pls vote back on my remix and keep up the awsome work and see you at the endgame of the competition! ! !!!
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