Jonas Aden - Late At Night (NVRSTTLE Remix)
Jonas Aden, remix by: nvrsttle
Used an obviously unique style on this one. Hope u like it...
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5 years ago
Good luck to ya'll.
Hustle get's rewarded, the more ur at it, the more you know that.
If u like artists like: Curbi, SWACQ, Saint Punk ...
and ur down for a Brutal Drop, with organic sound's and oriental influences,
U'll probably want to check out my version.
Take care, much love
5 years ago
Hi! Realy nice remix!! A unique idea, I really like the buildup, but the drop lost something in the mix, I think it need more energy to feel better in the track, but voted ;) !!! Check my 'with you' remix too and if you like it vote!!!
5 years ago
Yoo,i really love this remiix, its pretty well done and the mixing is on point, hope you like my remix too, i voted for yours, hope you vote back!!!!!!!
5 years ago
Nice man. It's original for sure. VOTED! Take a listen to my remix and let me know what you think. Vote if you like it.
Callous K music
5 years ago
this is quite unique tbh... i love the melodics ,i've voted for you ,would be really nice if you could drop a vote on my remix on Late At Night :)