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9 years ago
Hello there! I have let myself listen to your song. I have to admit that you did a really good job here. Really nice. :) I have voted for you. :)
Please, could you spend few minutes to listen to my remix and vote for it?? Here it is:
Thank you in advance! :)
The Judge-
9 years ago
Really good remix!!!!! Already voted for you, please check my new remix and support me as I supported you! :D
Jaay V
9 years ago
VOTED man!Cool track... PLEASE VOTE ME BACK!
Cyan Mtz
9 years ago
Hey excelente track! Me gustó desde que empezó! Tienes mi voto y apoyo en tu trabajo, espero y llegues lejos, sigue así. Échale un vistazo a mi track, si te gusta vota y déjame tu comentario, Aprecio tu apoyo y tiempo.
Si te apetece, sería genial hacer un track juntos, contactarme por mi Souncloud!
Good Luck!!
9 years ago
Listen our remix and if you like, vote us ! we vote every producer that support us !