Created this idea 4-5 years ago and its finally seeing light, WOW! The melody is what instantly caught my intention and is still one of my favorites to this day, a big room progressive house record to play at main stage at any festival. Support to for more music, cant wait to show you what i have in store for you all!
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5 years ago
Nice work. Voted. Please listen to my latest track and vote / comment. Thanks.
5 years ago
Awesome tune bro! I really liked this one!
Tom Karlek
5 years ago
Cool sounds bro !!! Voted !!
Can you check my new track "Feel you" and if you like vote on it ?
5 years ago
Hi 🖐🏼
Great track
Keep up the good work
Mate i gave you my vote
Good luck in your ranking
If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track
"Dance Now"
Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote
5 years ago
Hi! Please help my track "Echo" to reach no 1 as I have really voted for your track.