Powerfull Bass/Lead with a catchy melody, great Vocal and Punchy Drums. I like the outcome. What do you think? Thanks for listening, Cheers Ole Eb
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5 years ago
WOW!! Awesome track. Love it.. Voted!! Please check my new track "Tragedy" and vote if you like it.
5 years ago
Voted!!! This track is really good!!! I mostly like the drop because of the great energy in it!!! If you vote back for my new track "Bassman" you would make me so happy!!! Thanks!
Toni Hullzer
5 years ago
as you described it, catchy melody, great vocals and punchy drums, got my vote, please check my track "right now, thanks.
5 years ago
I really enjoyed this track, it's fire bro!
5 years ago
cool track ,i like it ,liked ,voted ,please listen to my track "You Are My Love"