New remix by DJ PANCHA.

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7 years ago
HELLO DJ PANCHA, GREATWORK!!..GOOD TUNE,ITS PRETTY NICE THAT THIS SHOULD BE ON TOP,..I HOPE MY VOTE COULD HELP.., PUSH IT UP!!..I VOTED YOU BRO,.. may i lend you a single minute to check my track " ALgoRHYTHMZ - Sub-Merged ".,and ALSO could i REPOST this track on my SOUNDCLOUD? its nice to have like this..just message me ..thanks bro,,,,see you there.
7 years ago
great Remix DJ Pancha, you have my vote ! I would really appreciate it if you could vote for my new track "You" in return!:) Best wishes, Valentin
7 years ago
Nice work man!! Voted, can you vote back for my last upload ''Molly'' ? <3
7 years ago
vote for vote? if you help me out by voting for my new track "caveman" i will vote for your track in return.
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted! vote back my TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! thanks! now over 19,2k soundcloud plays!follow my spotify! ok?w
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