A spinning records remix i did with funk style and flair hope u enjoy this dope remix i made added some dope bass lines with filthy gritty parts that make you jaw drop and nice groovy beats that will keep your body rocking Pando G

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Pando G
5 years ago
hope u emjoy
GFE ultra
5 years ago
Very cool!!! Voted!!!
Pando G
5 years ago
aye aye gfe ULTRA THANKS BRO
Chriss Chvnga
5 years ago
Nice vision! Voted for sure! Anyway, i would be grateful if you will vote for my Deceend "Desire" track ;) Cheers and hope we will have a big collab someday! <3 Greetings from poland! <3 <3 <3
Pando G
5 years ago
will check u out my buddy alwayss do
5 years ago
Hello. Hope you are having a nice day! If you are seeing this then that means I have voted for this track of yours! :D :D :D And I would really appreciate it if you could vote for my remix for Danny Avila's Run Wild :D Wishing you all the best towards your dreams! Stay home_ stay safe please because it will take you one step closer to your dreams (: ******************************************************************************************
Pando G
5 years ago
will check u out buddy thank you for checking me out
5 years ago
Good job !
Pando G
5 years ago
thanks bro beans
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