Passion Connects Ft. Mukupa & Lil' T - No,No,No (you don't love Me)
PassionConnects, remix by: PassionConnects
As usual Deep, I love this track, it's a bit on the long side in lengt yet I think it's one of my best tracks! Acapella/Vocal is bought on beatport licenced by Defected Records For Contact: Ableton.Passion.Connects@gmail.com
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7 years ago
Good track dude!
Please Vote back.
Check my last track "You & I (SolDin REMIX)"
You have my Support!
Follow me on SoundCloud,
and I'll follow you!
7 years ago
Hey, I love this track. I voted (for real) Can you check out my track "kick and synths" Thanks and Good Luck!!! :) :)
7 years ago
Nice track! Voted! . Can you vote my track "FIRE"? Thanks!
7 years ago
7 years ago
Hey PC, allow me to stand out of this comment section for a couple seconds here,
First things first, let me confess that I just ▼ Voted ▲ for your upload, that's the least I can do to give a small helping hand on those messy charts hey,
Now that said, if you took the time to read until there, please know that I would be delighted to help you out even more by taking a look at one of your latest works and giving you my honest opinion and constructive feedback about quality and arrangement on your track, which happens to be kinda hard to find these days; just hit me out in my comments section or even better, on SoundCloud and I'll be really happy to have a talk with you! Like for real haha ;)
Much much respect, and I hope you'll eventually return the favor if you judge it's worth it!