PICTURE - Snuggle (Original Mix)
Highest rank 217

My Debut Orginal Mix leave some comment and enjoy thanks!

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Lifted Dreams
6 years ago
Hey man, this track is awesome, VOTED! Please check out my tracks, and VOTE if you enjoy! I also follow everyone back on SoundCloud!
6 years ago
Cool sound👏Voted,listen to my first hardstyle track"Blessed be the fruit"and vote if you like it🙏.
6 years ago
yo picturemusic, this vibe is fire man, love those feels, that rhythm is tight too, great work, keep it up man, i like this style for yah, def in the zone - leaving you a vote, you deserve it! If you got a sec, check out my new track, its a retro/8-bit style dance mix “LDTS”, let me know what you think !
6 years ago
Awesome track! Cool sound! Fantastic! I VOTED FOR YOU, If you vote on my track-"VAMOS LÁ VENCER" i give you all my suport. On Soundcloud follow me and I follow you too. On Twitter: @lusitany I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) Thanks for your comments and likes on Soundcloud and Youtube.. more than 2000 views on youtube »»» subscribe there to know when more songs and videos come out. Good luck!
6 years ago
voted !! I heard your Music "Snuggle" I'm researching for clean, solid and powerful sound. I'll learn a song and listen to your music. If you do not mind, Will you listen and vote to my last track "Water Mellon" ? Thanks
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