Another Night (Polar Remix)

Mike Williams ft. Matluck, remix by: Polar


This is my first posted remix, so hope you guys like it! I had a great time working with this track and i'm planning more releases in the future, so stay posted! Vote if you like it, follow me on Soundcloud and drop a comment if you have any feeback :)

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8 years ago
hey bro the idea is dope but you have to work more on the buildup, try to sidechain the lead, mix better and add some fx to get a more punchy effect ;) good luck and voted
8 years ago
Hey, Thanks for the vote and feedback :)
8 years ago
Cool track ! Voted ! Please vote back on my remix of "Another night" :)
8 years ago
Hey Vlt, Thanks! I'll check out your track, Good luck!
Max Madd
8 years ago
Hey Polar, I voted! Take a second to like my Facebook : maxmaddmusic Good luck.
8 years ago
Hey! Nice work, voted :) Plz check my work on this same remix, and vote if you like it! And feel free to make any coments about it :) Cheers!
John Polo
8 years ago
Sup' Polar :) I'm writing everyone here in the contest and listening to your tracks :D I'm voting for every track, so you won't miss out on my vote of course! :)) I'd be happy to leave you some feedback, so if you are intrested in getting it, hit me upp on my track and I'll leave you some honest feedback asap! :D Voted! :) -JP
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