We Can't Give Up (Negomo Remix)
EDX, remix by: Polare
Hope you bois can vote for me <3!!
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Jhon Reims
7 years ago
voted baby :v
Chemical Neon
7 years ago
Hey! Liked this one preety much, there are some things you could improve like lowering a bit the buildup toms, but I think you deserve to win! Hope you do, and if not, keep on because in life WE CAN'T GIVE UP! JAJAJAJA (saw what I did there?) Well, best wishes
7 years ago
Good Remix! Nice one! Voted!
Also please vote for my "EDX - We Can't Give Up" remix, i'm sure you'll like it, waiting for your vote <3
7 years ago
Hey, Your Remix is very interesting, I really like the bass you used and the synth/chords in the break,
I really like the Compression and the EQ you used, and the mixing is really good!! Keep it up!
It would mean the world if you could check out my new Remix for EDX ' We Can't give up' on my profile!!
Let me know what you think and comment down below that you've voted so that I can vote back!
Thank you NEGOMO
James Holland
7 years ago
Hi there. I have left a vote for your track. Could you vote back for my latest track, "On My Way Home" please? Thank you.