Supported by : Olly James, Joel Fletcher, Alok, Teddy Cream, Mykris, Mazza, Dimatik and many more ! Give me a little vote for a big dream :)
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Julyan Jerome
9 years ago
Please support me back by listening to my latest track ´Superficial´ and maybe even let me know what is its weakest and/or strongest part in your opinion- that will help me to improve:
Thank you!
Max Madd
9 years ago
Nice track guys, you have my vote! Can you take a few seconds to like my facebook page?
9 years ago
Good!!!!! Voted!! I like it!!! So this is my new song!!! If you like it please vote and comment
Nick Venzura
9 years ago
good track !!
Otto Stories
9 years ago
Just voted for your track to help you go up! Let's support each other! Maybe you could vote for my track too! Really appreciate it! :) (THIS IS THE NEW VERSION !) Thank you so much for your support! :)