This track is a live mix with a launchpad , is recorded live and without post edition. Este es un mix en directo hecho con un launchpad , grabada en directo y sin post edición . With an iPhone !

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5 years ago
Nice track! Check out my new single "Go One" like & share it! Cheers
5 years ago
hi there :) I checked your track and vote for it! Nice Job,got my support!:) it would u be so nice and check out my new Track >> I WANT TO FLY.. << (BADHOUSEMUSIC/DEEP) and set your vote & comment? it would be great to have your support!:) ! i appreciate it :) Thx a lot!
5 years ago
Not bad at all, it sounds great to be made with an iPhone .VOTED
5 years ago
Me ha costado 8’:33” hacer el mix !!!!! El directo también es un factor a tener en cuenta ... aparte de con un iPhone ! Como ha quedado ha quedado ....yo creo que bastante bien 😊😊☺️
5 years ago
hey Psylar, Congrats on the new Mix! Sounds great. I voted/liked your Mix to help you move higher in the charts. If you have a moment take a second to listen to my new Kanye west remix "Stronger by MUTUAL FRI3ND" and if you enjoyed my vibe, I would greatly appreciate a like/Vote as each one truly matters to me. I wish you all the best and goodluck! :)
5 years ago
Voted! Can u vote back for my remix of "CAN'T ERASE"? Thnx in advance )
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