
✪ 25 year old producer who likes to make electronic music ılı.lıllılı ◈ SINCE 2010 / but this project is new (Created in 2016) ✔ Spotify: goo.gl/cGCNP5 ✔ Facebook: fb.com/quickjackmusic ✔ YouTube: goo.gl/oLGJS3 ✔ Twitter: twitter.com/quickjackmusic ✔ Instagram: instagram.com/quickjackmusic ✔ Soundcloud: @quickjackmusic

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Vilgotlava ✪
6 years ago
Really cool bass house remix you've made! The heavy bass is really enjoyable with the loud sirens and the pluck melody! I voted for sure! If you have some time you can also check out my remix of this track and maybe vote for it ;)
6 years ago
hey thanks man, Glad you liked it. i 'll check
Elizaveta Vladi
6 years ago
I vote for you. Please vote for my new track "Waiting For Spring". Follow me on SoundCloud and I will follow you back!
6 years ago
Thanks,I already heard your track, including we are following us on soundcloud for some time
6 years ago
GREAT man. so dope Well done, you got my vote and hope you check and vote my remix back. Lets support our music. XERHO.
6 years ago
thank you, i already heard and voted in your remix :D
6 years ago
Hi QUICK JACK, I saw your new post and I had to check it out! I really like the melody you made and the drop sounds really good, it's a well produced track and it will go really far, hit me up on my soundcloud cause I think we have a similar style!!!! It would mean the world if you could check out my remix of 'musicbylukas - Still in love' on my profile!! Let me know what you think and comment down below that you've voted so that I can vote back! Thank you!
6 years ago
Sounds good. I love it. keep it up. I supported you. Best wishes.
6 years ago
Thank you so much glad you liked :DD Best wishes for you too
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