es una increíble mezcla de future bass con unas melodías de piano Y los drop algo electrónicos y con la voz de el traductor de google es una forma inteligente de hacer las voces de tus canciones :D

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7 years ago
very nice bro i voted! could you check out my Feel Good remix and leave a vote as well!
James Holland
7 years ago
Hi there! I like your track and I've left a vote behind. Could you also help me out by voting back for my latest remix of "Feel Good"? I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you.
Gold Kobra
7 years ago
Good track, I vote for it. Please check my new track "First" and vote back. Follow me on the SoundCloud and I will follow you back!Good luck!
Séthi 1er
7 years ago
hi mate...Your track is so hot & catchy realy , hope you will rise the top , You have my full vote & support...i just uploaded my new track ( DOG NATURE ) I hope you like it, vote me & support me back pls....
7 years ago
Voted your track bro! Can i expect a vote back on my remix too? That'd be really really helpful! I wish u all the best!..
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