This is Brazil dj Ranu
Nause, Rebecca & Fiona, remix by: Rafael Nunes
#dj ranu #eletrônica #música #músicaeltronica #djranu #like #dj #EDM #artistas #música #músicaeltronica
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5 years ago
HY AMIGO!here is my Vote for you! i need your support too !!good job Big up""and good luck yours Boxidro
5 years ago
that bass wth, it gives me something to live for, nice variations too
5 years ago
Nice track Ranu, voted! I just published my remix entry for the "Knockout" remix competition. Would mean a lot if you could vote back! :)
Rajit Garg
5 years ago
Hey, this is great; voted. If you'd like some specific feedback, please let me know I'd love to help you out. Good luck in the rankings.
5 years ago
Hi 🖐🏼 Great remix good work
Mate i gave you my vote 💓 Good luck in your ranking 👍
If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track " Open Now You Heart "
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