Este es mi nuevo track llamado LUST te invito a que lo escuches y me apoyes compartiéndolo con tus amigos, déjame un like si te gusto, Buenas Vibras a todos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my new track called LUST I invite you to listen to it and support me by sharing it with your friends, leave me a like if you like me, Good Vibes to all.

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6 years ago
just perfect !!
6 years ago
Hey Raul! Nice track, I voted! Please check out my brand new song “Kangaroo”, listen on Spotify and be sure to vote back!
6 years ago
Hey bro, this got my vote!! I will also appreciate if you would vote back on my track "Holy Moly", lets support ourselves to the top :)))
6 years ago
Hi Raul, nice track. I voted.. Feel free to listen our new song KEEP BREATHING. Thanks
6 years ago
Hello Great track good work. Mate i gave you my vote Good luck in your ranking If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track "Here We Go Again" Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote. Thank you very much for your support...👍...
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