New Track "Don't Be Scared". Listen !!! Facebook : Redlow
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8 years ago
Wooooww brotheeer! Insane track! I like so much! Maybe you should soon be in the TOP of spinnin'!! I voteed for your track because I like so much
and definitly you have strong skill to produce music and make a good vibe in the background. Even the mastering is almost professional. Really, Congratulations! If you have a couple minutes enter to my profile and vote for my latest song "Uptight" would be amazing too! Good look!!
8 years ago
good!!! voted ! ;) heheh visit my profile please!!
vote for my song #DESTROY
Matt Vorn
8 years ago
"Don't be scaaareeeeed" - catchy as fuck. I really like the track, it's catchy and punchy, it's fairly tight. However! I think a lot could be improved on the mix down, there seems to be a lot more lower end than highs or mids, maybe add in a top kick to bring out the transient in the kick drum. Other than that Redlow, great job! You got my vote, can you check out my profile and maybe give me a vote and some feedback too?
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
hello beautiful track !!!!!!!!!
if you vote me you'll vote after checking in your tracks supported!!
Thank you and good day!!!!
8 years ago
Voted for you! Nice Track!
Please listen to my Track and vote when you like it!thx