Fast Lane

So Its April Fools, and Ive decided to quit making dubstep. Or Have I ;) Here is a new one, a little different than What I normally make! Hit that Repost button and Free Download for you all!! Cheers !

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8 years ago
Tienes mi voto escucha mi mas nuevo tema y vota😉
8 years ago
Esya genial me gusta
8 years ago
Hey, listened to your track and it was cool. The intro could be a bit better, but otherwise everything goes together really well. The songs great so you have my vote. Please check out my track,Sway, and if you like it votr for it and leave your valuable feedback, both are much appreciated
8 years ago
Amazing Track.. This style is the best for you... Love the Melody & Drop... Only thing you need to do is add more bass in this track... Anyway, I Voted You:) Maybe, You can also help me by voting my latest track - Nature.. You can play the full song and give your opinion about it.. Thanks & Good Luck...Hope you can reach the Top Chart:D
8 years ago
Great job! You've got my vote!! I'm sure that you will go far. I'll see you in the top 100. If you could check out my latest track WAITING FOR YOU that would be really appreciated. Best wishes for the future. LISTØN
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