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7 years ago
Nice track! Awesome sound! Do you want my vote garantid? Simply let`s do this: If you vote rigth now for my track "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU", i do the same for you now too. On Soundcloud follow me and I follow you too... On Twitter: @lusitany I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) Thanks and good luck!
7 years ago
vote for vote? please help me out by voting for my new track called “Rock the house” and I will help you out in return by voting for your track!!
7 years ago
Hello RHAX! Amazing track! Voted and followed!). Please cheack my last track "Drop Club", thanks!)
7 years ago
Great job man ! vote!, Please vote back for my latest production!! XD and please follow me in soundcloud good luck!
7 years ago
Good work! Voted!! Please vote back for my track, thx :)
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