Made some jazzy chord for a different way of melodic techno.

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5 years ago
Voted for you! Really great Track, deserves the first place! If you want to help me too then check me out :) I dropped a new single "LI3R - You & Me" Check it out and leave a vote/comment if you like it, Also feel free to follow me on Soundcloud <3
5 years ago
Hi bro, good track for which I voted, please vote for my new track SB-Alcoholic
Tom Karlek
5 years ago
Cool !!! Voted !!! Can listen to my new track "Crystal Lake" and if you like vote on it too ? Thanks !!!
5 years ago
Hi 🖐🏼 Great track good work Mate i gave you my vote Good luck in your ranking 👍 If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track "Dance Now" Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote
5 years ago
Hey great track voted Please could you listen my remix track for your opinion? Thanks a lot 😘
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