New production from myself. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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Peter Pinehiller
8 years ago
voted!vote back my PARIS and DANGEROUS!thanks!
8 years ago
I like your track fully supported.
Checkout my track "Krazy" and vote for me thanks!!!!
Igor Chi1i
8 years ago
Great job, bro! You've got my vote! I'm sure that you will go far. Please, vote back my "Coco Jambo (2017 remix)"!
Dj Sinde
8 years ago
Has my vote and my support...
this is great..excellent work still like this,..
If you have a moment, listen to my track and I would appreciate your vote..
8 years ago
Nice track dude. Really feelin it. Voted
If you could vote my new track 'Syncopate' back when you can that'd be much appreciated!
Jack - Face Value