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6 years ago
That pluck. I love it, and i mean it. The groove dynamics fits so well i must say.
Also you have my vote. Keep grinding!
6 years ago
Hello Friend how are you?
Great track good work.
Mate i gave you my vote
Good luck in your ranking
If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track
"My Body Trembles"
Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote..👍
6 years ago
Keep up the good work man. You have my vote!!!!
6 years ago
Wow , what a nice track<3
love your track that sound pretty good dude
Don't forget to vote back for my last track LOCO CONTIGO REMIX!!<3<3<3<3<3
Alex Kowalski
6 years ago
This could be pretty sick but some of the instruments aren't quite in tune with each other causing messy harmonics.