just for fun :D merry christmas <3 original remix by quinino : youtu.be/ne4LooI34SU

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Qvarfort & Møller
7 years ago
WOW BRO! Amazing remix, love The melody! VOTED FOR YOU! It would really mean a lot to us If you could Vote back for our remix of «Kee your head up». Thank you so much<3
7 years ago
Awesome edit! Voted! Please vote back for my track "Marrelix - New Beginning (Demo)". spinninrecords .com/talentpool/track/192936-marrelix-marrelix-new-beginning-demo/
7 years ago
Hey ROSEBOY I really like your track Cool melody  Good vibes  So you have my vote and support! Thank you so much and good luck:)
7 years ago
Nice Remix! Voted. Can you vote my track "HURRICANE"? Thanks!
B£@T M@K£R$
7 years ago
Voted bro, Like it, Come check our shit out when you get a minute, cheers,,
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