The New Sound Of Rowen X, getting better and better every time. Love your input on this enjoy!!!!

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Artur Ridlex
7 years ago
Wow! Cool track, I voted, it's really a good track, you can voted my new track DUMBLEDORE please, thank you! Good luck!
Dmitrii Stucalschi
7 years ago
I really liked this track. Just unbelieveble. Very beautiful melody. Voted!!!!
7 years ago
HEY Amazing song! VOTED Can you please return the favor and vote on my track "I HAVE A DREAM" THXX
7 years ago
Psy Trance!! Perfect bass, well done man love all the FX. Voted for you! Please can you also help me and vote for my remix of down for anything, I'll really appreciate it a lot
7 years ago
Nice track.. Voted.. Check to my track LOST.. Hope you can vote it back..
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