I made this track with Kura's sample pack "Holy Grail" exclusively for this contest! Most of the sounds used in this tracks are from the pack. Hope you like it! If you did drop me like! Enjoy!
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5 years ago
Voted! Vote back my ONE TOUCH! THNX! Kukamukamusic@instagram
5 years ago
verycool track i voted for you if you could vote my latest track would be really nice im goin out for a contest :)
5 years ago
Great track man!!!!! voted definetly
The drops is really good, i love the melodies!!!!!!
Can you check out my new track Change the way you kiss me remix....
I really need some feedback and advice!!!
It would be really helpful for me!!!!!
5 years ago
Nice man !!! You are the best 😱😱
5 years ago
Awesome mix Ryad Azzam! Definitely voted! Would love if you could give feedback on my "With You" remix!