
First time in a while. Changed my style a bit. Hope you enjoy

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tHe Caretaker
8 years ago
Hey cool and fresh track! You got my vote! Please check my track " Don't wait " and vote me back or write a comment if you like it! Thanks
DvrkVce & Lady EM
8 years ago
Hei!! Good track and good vibes! you have our vote and full support! Please vote back our last track "home" Thank you and good luck!:)
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
Voted and supported SUPER TRACK !!!! GOOD JOB! KEEP IT UP! I hope that my vote will help to rise in rank !! PLEASE VOTE FOR MY TRACK YELLOWSTONE! THANK YOU!! GOOD LUCK!!! I WISH TO GET TO THE TOP !!! ;)
8 years ago
Very well produced S3BBY_LAO! I like your sound! If you like to hear a new kind of EDM/Deep house, then give a listen to my new track: 'DANCE TO IT' by VANVAR. I created it using my girlfriends vocals! Thanks for listening and vote if you like it!
Harry Miles
8 years ago
amazing sebby!voted. vote me back on ''arrow''!
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