Oh, Amazing Bass
Sander van Doorn, remix by: Sam Revo
The intro is powerful and rhytmic with a kind of groovy wave. It conserves the essential chords during the melody, the drop are the chords modified to sound more powerful, also the speed is increased. In the breakdown we can hear the chords again with a Filter effect. Then we have the buildup and the drop once more. The outro is simple with a kick and some hi hats, with the bassline used as a sub bass, and finally we hear part of the chords with another filter effect to finish with a impact FX
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Adrian Fyrla
10 years ago
VOTED MAN, vote me
This is JAMMU ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃__ R3HAB style __▃ ▅ ▆ ▇
Thank world ♥
10 years ago
Nice man! Voted!!!
Please vote for my remix too https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/steveng/track/details/13335
10 years ago
Voted! Amazing, Sick remix!Yeeeah!! Keep it up! Don't forget to vote back! ;) http://tlnt.pl/kbCFkC
10 years ago
voted , can you vote me ?
10 years ago
Voted!! Great track
you can stop by my remix of Jammu and if you like help me voting for me . thanks :D
if you want more votes,vote and comment for me, I will vote for you