Highest rank 98

Connect with Sander Matell: Facebook: www.facebook.com/sandermatell Twitter: www.twitter.com/sandermatell Instagram: www.instagram.com/sandermatell YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCmz8xqiq2FHNkUCM-T35VCw Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/35wb8hgP4hR98Lf9L2fqHo?si=lsVoibIbT7-tMLRwdIqY1A

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7 years ago
Awesome track !👌 You have my vote Please check my new remix of "Silhouettes by Jacky Greco and vote back, i'm sure you will like it. Also you can follow me on spinnin records and souncloud, and also on my new youtube channel and i'll follow you back Thanks for your support ✌
Ahad Khan
7 years ago
Awesome Track Voted! Please Listen and vote back if you like my Remix "VINAI - Parade" Thanks.
7 years ago
Very nice work 👏 VOTED 👏 Listen to my new song Ghost thank you
7 years ago
Hey awesome track bro, loved the melody and the sound design <3 i just voted and followed you!!! (Check your followers i'm there :)) If you could give my new track 'Kindled Spirits' a vote and a listen that would be great!
N Effect Music
7 years ago
Good job with this one, love the melody and the chord progression on this. Some key elements in there that I heard where I get the vibe that you are working on creating your own sound. Keep it going, you got my vote for sure. Please take a moment and vote back for my track "PARANOIA". You can also follow me on Sound Cloud for a follow back. In the future, if you got something you would like me to take a listen to and give you some feedback on or need a vote in the Talent Pool, hit me up through Sound Cloud and I'll be there to support. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
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