Suggested label: Spinnin' Records
Приветствую! Меня зовут Seva Mix Нахожусь в топ100 djs по версии promodj Так же, являюсь финалистом проекта Путь Звезды с Dj Feel Буду рад сотрудничеству с Вами
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3 years ago
Great , VOTE. Check my track too. Thank you.
3 years ago
Very nice work, good composition and arrangement, i really like it! Can you please give me a feedback to my last remix? I need some tips to be a better producer!
Blexxter ♩
3 years ago
Incredible what I just heard those sound drops that my ears hear I like it, you are doing well you have my support, I would also like you to listen to my song "Billie Eilish - Bury a Friend (Blexxter Remix)", you will like it
3 years ago
Nice music bro👹