The Him - In My Arms (SHAFZz Remix)

The Him (feat. Norma Jean Martine), remix by: SHAFZ


Worked hard on this one. Hope you like it

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5 years ago
Hello brother, how are you? Can I count on your votes, tracks and new release?... I am voting for your track and wish you success and the top. Follow me on my networks too... hug
5 years ago
Nice remix. Voted. Please listen to my remix as well. Thanks.
5 years ago
Thanks for your comment on my remix. This is a really well produced remix too! Everything sounds very well compressed, EQ'd and balanced. The effects and stereo imaging sounds great but one very slight criticism is that it could do with a touch more bass. It's not like it's hugely noticeable and it's well within acceptable but that's just what I would do personally. I'll give it a vote :)
5 years ago
Hey SHAFZz, really awesome track man! Voted for sure! maybe if you have some time you can check out my remix as well
GFE ultra
5 years ago
Perfect work!!! Voted!!
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