made another remix. just play it and show some love)) peace^

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5 years ago
Cool track,very good idea! very different than most of the sounds that i have been heard but i like it and its very well produced! Voted back! Wish you the best! ;)
GFE ultra
5 years ago
Thanks for your comment!!! Voted for your excellent work on this remix!!! Cheers!!!
5 years ago
Great sounds man, i liked it.. voted n support Can u listen my Remix contest? (IN MY ARMS) Good luck mate:) Kind regards
5 years ago
Hey there! Hope you are having a nice day! If you are seeing this then that means I have voted for this remix of yours! But I am very much sorry that I couldn't check out your track due to having very little free time but hey good luck mate! And I would really appreciate it if you could vote for my remix for The Him featuring Norma Jean Martine. (: Wishing you all the best towards your dreams! Happy Spinninning! **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
5 years ago
awesome track,very good idea! very different than most of the sounds that i have been heard but i like it and its very well produced! Voted for sure! If you have some time check out my latest remix of "the him" and give me a honest feedback as well,and if you like it,vote please ;) Wish you the best! ;)
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