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7 years ago
SMAIL,Wonderful track) Good sounds) Beautiful melody) I voted for it) Can you help me too, voted for my remix on the track Blasterjaxx & Bassjackers -Switch) Thank you and good luck to you)
Max Madd
7 years ago
Hey Smail, I voted! Take a second to follow my Soundcloud : maxmaddmusic
Good luck!
7 years ago
Nice sound fx. pretty creative dude. The white noise could've been used a bit more neatly. Otherwise, loved it! Give my track a hear too, hope to hear from you.
7 years ago
Really nice pianos in the intro. The vocals are kinda off though, and the drum sequence is too sudden. The drop is quite nice, but it needs more power. Not bad, voted.
If you can, please check out my track The Impact! If you like it, please vote for it, thank you so much! If you need more detailed feedbacks, kindly DM me in SoundCloud.
7 years ago
Can we do collaboratcollaborations?
7 years ago
Well Produced! Sounds Awesome! Voted! Hope you'll support us back :)