Summer On You - (Sooren remix)

Sam Feldt x Lucas & Steve feat. Wulf, remix by: sooren


hello guys . here its my new remix track from samfeldt and lucas&steve Summer on you. vote me for remix contest. thank you

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9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Nice man YOU ARE #NO 1
9 years ago
Hey Sooren! I believe in not only making good music that takes you out of your mundane life, but also in taking time out of my life to be a good listener and listening to many tracks uploaded by you all here. Together is the way to go and by voting for your track I ensure my support to your music and look for the same support for my music from this amazing community of music composers. A creative work like music once heard, is still not complete without some genuine feedback, help and of course, appreciation. For that reason, I never forget to leave a comment behind and would really hope you do the same for mine. After all, music takes the listeners on a high because the musician builds it from the bottom. Please Vote and Comment on my rework/remix track - Summer On You in this same contest! Thank you KKiVA
9 years ago
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