another great theme is bounce here, I do not know why they do not place it as a genre but we leave it to hear it by the way follow us in our social networks that are in the profile we return the follow

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7 years ago
i like this track, voted!!!, and if you like my songs vote it and please follow me on soundcloud
7 years ago
Great Track I like it and you get my vote😀 butvote me back Energy Wolf ft Alan Wallker:Forest Ty😀
7 years ago
omg good bass ^^ Nice track i voted for you, Can you give me your vote on my new track. Thanks you Good luck for top
7 years ago
Hey man, im trying to go through everyone's tracks and give some solid feedback so you can improve and get better at producing but first of all, i just wana say that i loved your track as it was very unique and the melody was so catchy and overall just fantastic and i will defiantly vote for this (check supported tracks). I found myself humming the melody after listening! I can tell that if you keep working hard, you will make it one day! The only thing i can say you need to work on is to make your kicks more hard hitting as they were a bit to soft and also try and add some sounds that fill out the middle end of the eq at the drop as it was a bit to bright but other than that, amazing track. I was also wondering if you could check out my new track called I Wish and maybe you could vote for it as that would be a huge help. T hanks!
7 years ago
Very nice and high quality track !!! VOTED!!! Please Vote for my new tack "That`s live"! Thank you and good luck in the Charts !
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