Hey guys this is our remix for the "Electric Elephants" By: Jay Hardway, we have problems with the page, pls listen here, hope u like it and enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/waresubliminals/jay-hardway-electric-elephants-subliminals-remix-2 Also, If u want to vote or support us make sure to follow us on: ● Facebook →www.facebook.com/WeAreSubliminals ● Twitter → twitter.com/WAreSubliminals ● Instagram →instagram.com/wearesubliminals/ ●Desing By: @Dotter

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9 years ago
9 years ago
Awesome remix Subliminals! Really like this. Voted. I would appreciate it if you check out my track and vote me back. https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/twok/track/details/40317 Thank you so much!
9 years ago
https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/tetro/track/details/42105 Vote For Me I Vote Back
9 years ago
Yee!! That's cool! I have already Voted for this really terrific track!! So, people. Please, don't forget about my remix https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/jay-sergiows/track/details/41783 That's something like a Deep House.. I worked very hard on it?.. Aaand.. This is my work??? Sooooo, I'll be very happy and vote your back..? I need all your supporting and this track https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/jay-sergiows/track/details/41783 must be #1 in this contest!! RAISE YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR &MAKE SOME F***IN' NOOOOOOOOOOOISE!!!!!!? Thank Ü so much, Bro, if Ü vote this track ? https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/jay-sergiows/track/details/41783 ? Ü Are The Best!! GO, GO, GO, GOOOOOOOOO VOTING, GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!➕??????????
9 years ago
http://tlnt.pl/HSaKiR VOTE FOR MY TRACK !
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