Hi Guys, . Today I have uploaded My Song 'Forever Young' with My Friend FresHit . I Hop you guys you love it

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5 years ago
Hey there Sumit Kanada, just listened to this track, awesome vibes, your mix is done very well. Add on top of that some sweet melodies and damn what a result!! You've got my vote for sure!!! If you feel like it could you check out my new release "Leaving Amsterdam"? I would love some honest feedback and maybe a vote! Have a great day and good luck in the charts!!
5 years ago
Hello SUMiT KANADA, Awesome track, I support it! If you can take some time out to listen to my new song "Move" and support me too, I will be grateful.
5 years ago
Hi Sumit, this sound very original, great melodies and sound design, keep making this kind of songs bro! You definitely have my vote, the mix sounds very tight and clean by the way. Also, could you give some support to my latest track Fly Away, thanks!
5 years ago
VOTED!! Check my track "mi medicina" And let me know what you think!!!!!
5 years ago
Good track! Listen to my latest production "Ehy Pachuco" and if you like vote for it and support it......
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