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6 years ago
Hey, swag gang , I have just listened to your song and it's really good. I recommend you to release more music because you are a very talented artist / individual and you have all the potential to be a star in the music industry mark my words. I voted for your song to rank up higher on the charts. We should work together on making music together if you want to work together just message me on my socials below and we should help each other grow our music careers. If you have time could you also vote for my last track and listen to it to help me grow too if you don’t mind me asking. Wish you all the best to rank up the highest you can on the charts. If you are interested in keeping up to date with my music and life you can follow me on instagram @calvinkagenda, Snapchat @calvinkagenda and Soundcloud @Calvinkagenda
6 years ago
Hey Nice track I voted it! Also followed your channel! Please vote for my new track " Take me" . Thank you. Have a nice day.
6 years ago
Excellent work you have my vote if you have a moment check my track "Don`t Lose Your Chance" and if you like vote thank you in advance and a big hug..
Dmitrii Stucalschi
6 years ago
Hello My name is Dmitrii Stucalschi I really liked your music and I voted for it. if it's not hard for you to go to my soundcloud and listen to my new track and leave your opinion about it still you subscribe to me on the soundcloud and i will subscribe to you on the soundcloud you can write me a letter in the soundcloud and offer cooperation I would not mind making a colab with you thank you in advance Dmitrii.
6 years ago
Hey Swaggang, I really like your work! If you wanna have personal feedback on your songs... leave me a follow on SoundColud. Write a PM and I will reply ASAP. Wish you all the best! OLB
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