Hallo Nama Saya Ibnu Shihab ( TPKSNJ ) Ini Single Pertama Saya Berjudul Journey. . Musik ini menceritakan perjalanan saya sendiri menuju Bromo, Malang, Indonesia . Saya Harap Semuanya Suka, Jangan Lupa Vote di Spinninrecords Ya.. social media : instagram : www.instagram.com/tpksnj

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7 years ago
Good job! ♥♪ VOTED! Please Vote back. Check my last track "You & I (SolDin REMIX)" You have my Support! Follow me on SoundCloud, and I'll follow you! ;) -SolDin
7 years ago
Wow! Brilliant track. Enjoyed a lot listening to it. You definitely have my vote and deserve top rankings! Anyway just listen to my track SIN CITY and vote! Good luck!😄
Léo Clark2
7 years ago
Hello I am back ^^, and it could be an honor if you could make a feedback about my track "Long Road", Feedback are really preciois for me! VOTED & SUPPORTED! THANX FOR THE SUPPORT!
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
🔛Voted! Vote back my BETTER KNOW YOUR LOVE! over 31,9k soundcloud plays! my another track TOGETHER ! Now over 80,4k soundcloud plays!
Bryce T
7 years ago
Awesome track! You have my vote❤, and will probably get many more for your efforts. Could you please spare a second of your time and vote for my new You & I remix. Much appreciated and good luck!!! Also you can follow me on soundcloud & spotify for a free follow back! BRYT3R - Soundcloud brycetereszkiewicz - Spotify
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