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7 years ago
Loved it! You got my vote :) Keep up the good work bro!
7 years ago
Nice song TENUEL MESH, voted; good sounds, good mix, good melody. If you have time please vote back on my new song "Flight to Hawaii".
the Voyager
7 years ago
I really like the vibe of your track! It's so original! You got my vote!! If you could please check out and vote for my new track 'Legends' I'd greatly appreciate it. Also, if you share my track to your social networking and let me know I'll share one of yours to my network! Also follow me on SoundCloud and I'll follow back; let's help each other out!
Elizaveta Vladi
7 years ago
Good track, I vote for you. Maybe you'll vote back for my new single "One Night Stand". Follow me on SoundCloud, and I'll follow you!
7 years ago
Awesome track! I voted :) Please listen to my latest track "Polygon" and vote back ! GOOD LUCK !!!
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