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Peter Pinehiller
8 years ago
voted! vote back my TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! thanks! follow my spotify! ok?
8 years ago
Hey Bro! Good to see you making new music! It's sounds awesome so far, and I voted for you! I wish u all the luck to get ranked up in the charts!
8 years ago
Hey Toby, allow me to stand out of this comment section for a couple seconds here, First things first: ▼ Voted ▲ , that's the least I can do to give you a small helping hand on this messy charts hey, Now that said, if you took the time to read until there, please know that I would be delighted to help you out even more by taking a look at one of your latest works and giving you my honest opinion and constructive feedback about quality and arrangement on your track, which happens to be kinda rare this days, just hit me out in my comments section or on SoundCloud and I'll be really happy to have a talk with you! Like for real ahah ;) Much much respect, and I hope you'll return the favor if you think it's worth it!
8 years ago
Voted ! I Love Your track! is so amazing : good lead and bass ; Like Kick do you use, it's so very beautiful! My Vote Is For you Toby Herrero! If You Want Check Out My New remix Of KSHMR & Maurice West - Festival Of Lights(EL789z Remix) :D And if you like vote it !! :D
8 years ago
Good work! Voted!..
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