Théobuntu, 16yo Swiftness (Official Audio) is out now and in free download Vote for my track here, if you like it
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Max Madd
9 years ago
Nice track Théo, voted! Can you take a second to like my facebook page? Good luck
facebook : maxmaddmusic
Marky V-lectro
9 years ago
Well produced song! I'm in this other contest and curious what you think of my remix of Lost Kings ft Katelyn Tarver... Good luck in this chart!
9 years ago
Good job dude. Great track. Shows that you've worked hard. Keep it up! It would be awesome if you would check out my track Lost Kings You Ft. Katelyn Tarver (Veiovis Remix) for the remix contest and give me some FEEDBACK and VOTE if you like it! :)
9 years ago
Voted Théobuntu, nice track! Really like this.
I would appreciate it if you check out my new track and vote me back.
My track is 'Halcyon'.
Thank you so much!
Simone Saragò
9 years ago
vote for me please "VATOR" in my profile
give me your support to reach the top 10